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Inhouse production

“It’s a small world” scans

By Film, Inhouse production

Three years ago, our semi-nostalgic clip “It’s a small world” emerged into the light. It wasn’t very long until it was chosen as a Vimeo staff pick, and since then it was watched about 50.000 times, made it to film festivals all over the world and recieved some funny and interesting comments. Beside some filmed footage, all images that were used in this clip were taken from a photoalbum I bought for $5 at the Melrose Trading Post, a very nice weekly fleamarket located in the Miracle Mile district in Los Angeles. If you are around, visiting Canter’s Deli at 419 North Fairfax Avenue is a must – with all the welcoming ambiance combined with the nostalgic charm of the 1950’s decor, it was the perfect surrounding to have a closer look at the bleached out photos in this bargain buy of the day.

Now, for the 3rd birthday of the “small world” clip, here are the original scans of all images in the album – most of them weren’t used, so there’s a good chance for a follow-up at some future day.

And please don’t throw away your old images, send them to the Playroutine home studio instead, OK?


They have retired

By Film, Inhouse production


“They have retired” – now in the phase of preproduction – will be finished sometime during 2013. At the moment, this is planned to be a series of clips to be released in yet unknows intervals. Generally speaking, these animations will deal with the interchanging pathways of technology, society and work. But don’t ask how at this time.

If things are going good, each animation will be accompanied by the release of a limited large-scaled silkscreen print – so stay tuned.

Playroutine and Cinema 4D

By Inhouse production, Software


Happy to announce that the music video for Berlin’s Non Standard Institute will be part of the new showreel of Maxon Cinema 4D, my favorite choice of tools whenever 3D gets involved. The salt and pepper motive had been already included in Maxon’s calendar for 2012, and some illustrations also found their way into the Cinema 4D online gallery – curious what comes next.
Maxon Cinema 4D showreel

Hello / Goodbye

By Inhouse production

Hi and welcome to the new version of the Playroutine website – hope you will enjoy yor stay. They say this site will also run on your mobiles, and I hope it does. In the news section, from time to time you will find some articles about other people’s work too, so hopefully this site will soon show a real variety of entertaining things.

There’s a contact site now too, so if you feel like saying hello, sharing ideas or whatever, please get in touch.
But now, for nostalgic reasons and as sort of a last farewell here’s a final screenshot of the old Playroutine website for you and me:
