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Los Angeles

Church of Type

By Documentation, Graphic design, Letterpress, Los Angeles


One of the highlights of our recent trip to Los Angeles was visiting Kevin Bradley in his Church of Type at Pico Blvd in Santa Monica, not far from the ocean.
We had seen the documentation about his letterpress paradise some time ago on Vimeo (see the clip below) and Kevin spend more than an hour showing us around his studio, explaining the whole process of his work in detail and let us sniff around everywhere.His work covers the studio from the bottom of the wall to the ceilings, and one doesn’t really know if this place is a store, a museum or a working place – in fact it’s all of that.

Kevin’s huge collection of wood and metal type may be one of the biggest in use today, and for us it was very impressive to open a few of all these numerous drawers and to explore all the beautiful typesets, hand-carved woodblocks and the weird collection of metal plates with wrestling images.. This place is just full of so much history.
The results of Kevin’s work are for sale in the frontspace of his studio (and on Etsy too, see link below), and there’s a lot.  If you are into typography, letterpress or print making do not miss his holy chapel of type.


Excursion to Northridge

By Architecture, Inhouse production, Los Angeles


During a short trip to Los Angeles in April 2015 we used the easter weekend for an excursion to the Congregational Church of Northridge, located in the San Fernando Valley, a 20 min drive from Hollywood.

It was my first visit to this beautiful building by Quincy A. Jones, one of my favorite architects. Some years ago I had seen just 2 photos and did a 3D model just guessing the sizes of the church looking at the pictures, so it was a real surprise that the inside of the church looked really exactly as the 3D generated renderings – see ‘work’ section. Recently I was slightly irritated to see one of my renderings on the church’s website, probably mistaken for a photograph, but decided to take this as an unintended compliment..

We liked the atmosphere so much that we decided to stay durig easter church service and had time to enjoy the modern midcentury style of this airy and elegant wooden pyramid. The big glue-laminated wood beams were quite impressive, and along with the simple but graceful cylindrical lights that Jones designed the only decoration. The open structure of the church rises to a skylight just below the spire, providing a wonderful light situation and creating a connection between indoors and the out.

It was nice to see that the church still is in a very good shape and seems to be a good home for a vibrant community that gave us a warm welcome on this easter sunday.



