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in stereo: NSI

By Concert, Music

More than three years have passed since our “Sync 15” clip for NSI saw the light of day. Since then, Tobias Freund and Max Loderbauer seem to have added tons of modular synthesizers and others stuff to their ever evolving equipment as a new liverecording shows.

This high resolution clip documents the art of instant composing, electronic abstraction and otherworldy organic sound design of Non Standard Institute – captured live at their studio space in Berlin. Dive in and enjoy!

Atom™ @ saasfee pavillon

By Concert, Frankfurt, Music

Uwe Schmidt, the man with the uncounted number of aliases (Atom™, Atom Heart, Señor Coconut, Lassigue Bendthaus, Lisa Carbon, Erik Satin and my personal favorite The Roger Tubesound Ensemble – just to mention a very few) recently played once again in his hometown Frankfurt at the saasfee pavillon to introduce his latest release “HD”.

Atom™ already performed as a “pre-opening” act at November 11 2008at the same place, and as I have documentated both events, here are some very very short cuts of both shows.

Atom™ live @ saasfee pavillon Frankfurt November 29 2013

Atom™ live @ saasfee pavillon November 11 2008


By Concert, Frankfurt, Graphic design, Music


Ok, this entry is considerably overdue: it was during research for the first Desert Dust Cinema film festival in Lobo/Texas (2011) that I first watched the “Demonstration Reel” by Sculpture – an “opto-musical agglomerate”, as they call themselves. Londoners Dan Hayhurst and Reuben Sutherland mix do-it-yourself techno with animated collages, experimenting with psychedelic picture discs, reel to reel tape recorders, samplers, Effectron & Walkman and comic strips – as someone said: “a charmingly surreal and hypnotic cut & paste show”.

A perfect combination of contemporary media, clearly inspired by sounds and visions of the past. These clips show only the tip of the iceberg – go to see the live shows and take a first row seat if Sculpture are around.

In december 2011 Sculpture took their portable laboratory to the saasfee pavillon in Frankfurt, here’s a short clip with live recorded sound that in no way can sum up the flickery, dreamy, chaotic, hypnotical, hyperactive, charming and magic show.

All releases are great, but try to find the 12″ picture vinyls on the Dekorder label with the zoetropic images for having your own little Sculpture show at home (sold out at Dekorder, but try Discogs).

